WeAfrica 24 Politics is a category that covers the analysis and reporting of political events, policies, and leaders at the local, national, and international level. It deals with the processes and systems through which decisions are made and implemented by governments, political parties, and other organizations that have a role in public governance. News articles within this category often focus on elections, appointments, bills, laws, and other official acts, as well as the political ideologies, opinions, and interests of those involved. The politics category is crucial in keeping the public informed about the actions and decisions of those in power, and how these actions impact society.

Latest POLITICS News

SA: Nine Officials Suspended in Connection to National Assembly Fire

The South African Parliament has taken decisive action by suspending nine officials

Afaf Fahchouch Afaf Fahchouch

Comorian Journalists Seek to Establish Healthcare Mutual Fund

In a bid to address the challenging living conditions and inadequate healthcare

Soukaina Soukaina

Joseph Boakai’s Political Resurgence in Liberia: A Seasoned Leader Returns to Power

In a historic turn of events, George Weah gracefully conceded defeat in

Soukaina Soukaina

Spanish Media Reacts to Morocco’s Apache Helicopter Manufacturing

The recent announcement by the American company Boeing about the initiation of

Afaf Fahchouch Afaf Fahchouch

Sudanese Army Announces Destruction of Key Dam Bridge Amid Ongoing Conflict

The Sudanese army announced on Saturday that the Rapid Support Forces (RSF)

Afaf Fahchouch Afaf Fahchouch

Ivory Coast: Conclusion of Candidacy Submissions at PDCI

The submission period for candidacies within the opposition party, the Democratic Party

Soukaina Soukaina

Comoros: Opposition Presidential Candidates Take Shape

The deadline for the submission of candidacies for the presidential and governor

Soukaina Soukaina

Opposition Concludes Talks in Pretoria, Adopts Common Program

Negotiations among the representatives of Martin Fayulu, Delly Sesanga, Denis Mukwege, and

Soukaina Soukaina

Presidential Election in Liberia: George Weah Concedes Defeat to Joseph Boakai

The outgoing President of Liberia, George Weah, conceded defeat in Tuesday's presidential

Soukaina Soukaina

West African Court Supports Senegal in Opposition Leader Sonko’s Case

A regional court in West Africa rendered on Friday, its support to

Mouad Boudina Mouad Boudina