WeAfrica 24 Politics is a category that covers the analysis and reporting of political events, policies, and leaders at the local, national, and international level. It deals with the processes and systems through which decisions are made and implemented by governments, political parties, and other organizations that have a role in public governance. News articles within this category often focus on elections, appointments, bills, laws, and other official acts, as well as the political ideologies, opinions, and interests of those involved. The politics category is crucial in keeping the public informed about the actions and decisions of those in power, and how these actions impact society.

Latest POLITICS News

UK Applauds Trade Partnership with Morocco and Supports UN-Led Solution to Sahara Conflict

In a recent parliamentary session, Britain has reaffirmed its support for United

Afaf Fahchouch Afaf Fahchouch

Former Nigerian Central Bank Chief Remanded Until Bail Hearing

A Nigerian court decided on Friday to remand Godwin Emefiele, the former

Mouad Boudina Mouad Boudina

Ousmane Sonko’s Presidential Bid Hangs on Two Judicial Decisions

The fate of the main challenger to the Senegalese government, opposition leader

Soukaina Soukaina

Mali: The CSP Plans to Extend its Campaign to All Northern Regions

The conflict between the Malian army and the CSP (Permanent Strategic Framework)

Soukaina Soukaina

Pedro Sanchez Takes Oath as Spain’s Prime Minister

The Secretary-General of the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party, Pedro Sanchez, was sworn

Afaf Fahchouch Afaf Fahchouch

Opposition Leaders in Talks for Potential Unified Candidacy in the DRC

Throughout this week, representatives of prominent candidates, including Martin Fayulu, Moise Katumbi,

Soukaina Soukaina

ANC Supports Motion to Close Israeli Embassy in South Africa

The African National Congress (ANC), the governing party of South Africa, declared

Mouad Boudina Mouad Boudina

South Africa Refers Israeli Actions in Gaza to ICC for War Crimes Investigation

During his two-day State visit to the Middle East in Doha, Qatar,

Afaf Fahchouch Afaf Fahchouch

Assessing President Andry Rajoelina’s Legacy as Madagascar Heads to Elections

As President Andry Rajoelina seeks re-election, promises of transformative development made during

Soukaina Soukaina

Strategic Implications Following the Capture of Kidal by Malian Armed Forces

In a significant development, the Malian military, supported by mercenaries from the

Soukaina Soukaina