WeAfrica 24 Politics is a category that covers the analysis and reporting of political events, policies, and leaders at the local, national, and international level. It deals with the processes and systems through which decisions are made and implemented by governments, political parties, and other organizations that have a role in public governance. News articles within this category often focus on elections, appointments, bills, laws, and other official acts, as well as the political ideologies, opinions, and interests of those involved. The politics category is crucial in keeping the public informed about the actions and decisions of those in power, and how these actions impact society.

Latest POLITICS News

Burkinabe and Ivorian Defense Ministers Discuss Security and Cooperation

In a clandestine rendezvous held on Friday, Burkina Faso's Minister of Defense,

Soukaina Soukaina

Kenya Launches Probe into Helicopter Crash Claiming Military Chief and Others

The Kenyan government is dispatching a team to investigate a helicopter crash

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Son of Ousted Niger President Mohamed Bazoum Departs Togo for Dubai

Salem Bazoum, the son of ousted Niger President Mohamed Bazoum, left Lomé

Soukaina Soukaina

Lagos Police Apprehend Driver for Overcrowding Vehicle with Children

Officials from the Rapid Response Squad, a unit of the Lagos State

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Lagos Authorities Crack Down on Banned Styrofoam in Market Sweep

Officials from the Lagos State Ministry of Environment and Water Resources conducted

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Police Seal Off Factional APC Secretariat in Benue State

The secretariat of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Makurdi, the capital

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Protests Erupt Following Gunmen’s Deadly Assault on Plateau Village

The tranquil village of Tilengpat Pushit in the Mangu Local Government Area

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President Bassirou Diomaye Faye Embarks on Inaugural Diplomatic Visit to Mauritania

The newly elected Senegalese President, Bassirou Diomaye Faye, has chosen to make

Soukaina Soukaina

Posthumous Tribute to Mamadou Koné, President of the High Council of the Judiciary in Ivory Coast

Mamadou Koné passed away at the age of 71. President Alassane Ouattara

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Police Control Escalation Sparks Tensions in Benin

The mandatory helmet checks initiated on March 1st have not unfolded without

Soukaina Soukaina