WeAfrica 24 Politics is a category that covers the analysis and reporting of political events, policies, and leaders at the local, national, and international level. It deals with the processes and systems through which decisions are made and implemented by governments, political parties, and other organizations that have a role in public governance. News articles within this category often focus on elections, appointments, bills, laws, and other official acts, as well as the political ideologies, opinions, and interests of those involved. The politics category is crucial in keeping the public informed about the actions and decisions of those in power, and how these actions impact society.

Latest POLITICS News

André Azoulay represents the Moroccan king at the Paris Peace Forum

The royal adviser, André Azoulay, served as the representative of Moroccan King

Mouad Boudina Mouad Boudina

Speaker of the National Assembly Calls for Suspension of Presidential Election

The Speaker of the National Assembly has called for the suspension of

Soukaina Soukaina

NSCDC Arrests 11 Suspected Vandals and Phone Snatchers in Kano

The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) in Kano State has

Soukaina Soukaina

Clashes between FARDC and M23 rebels continue in Masisi and Rutshuru

The M23 rebels have expanded into the Masisi and Rutshuru regions, leading

Afaf Fahchouch Afaf Fahchouch

Senegal: President Macky Sall’s Farewell to the Military, a Coherent Step

President Macky Sall of Senegal bid farewell to the armed forces during

Afaf Fahchouch Afaf Fahchouch

Former Rebel Leader Facing Charges of Crimes Against Humanity to Stand Trial in France

This significant development marks the path towards a trial, representing the first

Soukaina Soukaina

Southeast Governors and Ministers Throw Their Support Behind Governor Hope Uzodimma

A coalition of Southeast governors and ministers, including Senator David Umahi, have

Soukaina Soukaina

A Parliamentary Report Critiques France’s African Policy

A parliamentary information report on the relations between France and Africa was

Soukaina Soukaina

Persistent Questions Surround Trial in the Tragic Death of a Young Gabonese Woman in Turkey

In the northern region of Turkey, the trial for the death of

Soukaina Soukaina

Sudan: Warring Parties Sign Limited Agreement to Facilitate Humanitarian Aid

Three weeks after resuming negotiations in Saudi Arabia, the Sudanese armed forces

Soukaina Soukaina