Senegalese Startup Champions Waste Recycling

A pioneering startup has been leading the charge in waste recycling for

Soukaina Soukaina

Kenyan Youth Mobilizes Amid Climate Crisis Ahead of COP28

As the African continent grapples with the dire consequences of climate change,

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Johannesburg Emergency Services on High Alert as Heatwave Approaches

As a heatwave looms over several provinces, including Gauteng, Johannesburg's Emergency Management

Afaf Fahchouch Afaf Fahchouch

Limited Progress in Talks for a Treaty to End Plastic Pollution

The curtain fell on Sunday, November 19, in Nairobi for negotiations on

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Climate Change in Africa: Impacts on Economic and Health Sectors

Africa, with its diverse ecosystems and vulnerable socio-economic structures, is experiencing the

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Moroccan Government Implements Proactive Measures Against Flood Risks

In the face of growing climate change risks, the government has taken

Afaf Fahchouch Afaf Fahchouch

Nairobi Hosts Global Negotiations to Combat Plastic Pollution

The commencement of the third round of international negotiations to address plastic

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Shenzhen Achieves Full Electric Bus Fleet, Setting a Sustainable Example

On a rainy afternoon in Shenzhen, the technological metropolis in southern China,

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New Earthquakes Recorded Near Marrakech

Residents in the Marrakech and Safi regions felt the ground tremble as

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The situation in Morocco following the storm Bernard

Morocco was hit by the storm Bernard, which brought strong wind gusts,

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