The Rehabilitation of Malnourished Children in the Central African Republic

maryam lahbal
maryam lahbal
2 Min Read

In the Central African Republic, the humanitarian crisis continues to worsen, as noted by the UN, according to which more than half of the country’s population will need aid this year. Among the predictable consequences, is infant malnutrition. In Bangui, in addition to emergency medical care, children can benefit from rehabilitation to try to limit the effects and stimulate their autonomy.

On small wooden benches at CHRAM, the Rehabilitation Center for the Motor Disabled, in the 4th arrondissement of the capital, mothers wait, their child in their arms, for the time of the session. Julienne, the mother of two-year-old Privas, comes from Damara once a week. “My son had lost a lot of weight, his hair had become thin and had fallen out, this is a sign of severe acute malnutrition. So, we were sent to Begoua hospital, then there the doctor found that he could barely sit up, and we were referred here. Since then, we follow the rehabilitation sessions, we give him massages with the nerve balm ointment so that he regains tone. » she expressed.

If he still cannot stand on his own, thanks to the sessions, Privas begins to crawl and move around. In the center box, managed by the platform of religious denominations of the Central African Republic, it is Sister Grace who is in charge of the massages this morning: she rubs vigorously to stimulate the muscular and nervous system, “so that it can have tone” explains the caregiver.

Action Against Hunger pays for 50 sessions for children who suffer from brain development delay. Bringing them to autonomy will limit ostracism and relieve families who are already experiencing heavy socio-economic constraints.

Maryam Lahbal

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