Kenitra prepares to build an American hospital

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kenitra hospital

Mahdia, Kenitra will build Morocco’s first and largest US hospital with a capacity of 700 beds and a total of 5,200 direct jobs.

A high-level delegation representing the American medical institution MAYO CLINIC and the IIG Group International Investment Group has reached out to a number of Moroccan medical institutions and facilities with the aim of finding the latest preparations for the start of the construction of America’s first hospital.

In this regard, IIG Group President Barakat Ali Al Shanabla said: In Mahdia, Quneitra, we encouraged investment in the construction of America’s first hospital with a capacity of 700 beds and the establishment of an American medical college with 2,000 students, where 25% of his seats were Given. As a free scholarship to well-educated and materially destitute Moroccan students.

Founded in the United States 150 years ago, the American World Medical Organization has the highest reputation. 2022 Newsweek’s Specialist has been ranked first in the world for years. It was also published in an American magazine. It’s news at the US level, being the first hospital in the US for the seventh year in a row.

The US delegation visited the Ibn Roshd Hospital in Casablanca and the Higher Institute of Health Sciences in Statt.

Nour el Houda Bouzammour

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