Islamic Associations in Mali Oppose Secularism’s Inclusion in the Constitution

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The leaders of the “anti-secularism” front have created about twenty Islamic associations that support the League of Imams of Mali (Limama).

During a press conference in Bamako on Saturday, May 6th, they declared that they would withhold support for the text unless it removed the word “secularism”.

The Association of Muslim Women of Mali, the Support Club for Imam Mahmoud Dicko. The Islamic League of Preachers of Mali all joined the brand new “anti-secularism” front. In the packed meeting room, the participants chanted “No to the secularism advocated in the new draft Constitution”. Brandished leaves with the same slogan.

Dr. Ahmad Boly insists that these Muslim associations in Mali reject the principle of secularism retained in the draft Constitution. “We want to remove the word “secularism” from our Constitution since secularism was not known in Mali before the arrival of the colonizers. We wish to maintain a consensual concept, where everyone can freely exercise their religion in a multi-confessional state.”

Muslim associations are attempting to influence the government by threatening to call for a “no” vote in the June 18th referendum and to ally with political parties that oppose the transition. More than 90% of Malians are Muslims.

Soukaina Sghir

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