Ethiopia: Landslide in the South Claims at Least 146 Lives

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A devastating landslide in southern Ethiopia has resulted in the deaths of at least 146 people, following heavy rains on July 22nd. Local authorities announced this provisional death toll on July 23rd, 2024, warning that the number could rise further as search efforts continue.

Initially reported at 55, the death toll from the landslide in Geze-Gofa, southern Ethiopia, has surged to at least 146. The disaster struck on July 22, 2024, in the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ Region (SNNPR) after days of intense rainfall. “At least 146 people have died in a landslide that occurred Monday in the Southern regional state of Ethiopia after heavy rains, with a provisional toll that could still rise,” local authorities reported on Tuesday. Among the victims are 96 men and 50 women, and search operations are ongoing.

Details remain sparse about the landslide, which took place in a rural, hilly, and isolated area more than 450 kilometers and ten hours’ drive from the capital, Addis Ababa, in the district of Geze-Gofa. The challenging terrain and remoteness of the location have hindered immediate rescue and relief efforts.

The Southern regional state of Ethiopia is one of many areas affected by floods this year. The country experienced significant flooding during the minor rainy season in April and May. The major rainy season, which began in June, continues to impact this East African nation, exacerbating the risk of such natural disasters.

Local authorities are conducting intensive search and rescue operations to locate and assist any additional victims of the landslide. As the community grapples with the aftermath of this tragedy, efforts are focused on providing aid and support to those affected.

In summary, the tragic landslide in Geze-Gofa highlights the ongoing challenges posed by Ethiopia’s seasonal rains. As the country endures these severe weather conditions, the immediate priority remains the search and rescue operations and the provision of necessary aid to the victims and their families.


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