Ethiopia: Rising Cases of Begging in the War Stricken Region of Tigray

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In detail, about twenty months after the conclusion of fighting activities, the Tigray region of northern Ethiopia is still surviving significant hardships. The Tigray conflict that Op doors said pit Tigrayan people against the central Ethiopia government joined with neighboring Eritrea and other regions such as Amhara has intensified. Even the Tigrayan authorities have proclaimed a famine situation.

In such despairing circumstances, a large segment of the populace has sunk to an extreme level of destitution, and one can observe an increase in the number of acts of begging in the country since liberation. Such a situation is evidenced by developments in Mekele, the capital of Tigray.

By the name of the Virgin, by the name of the Virgin, echoes Méles loud. Kneeling before one of the churches, he panhandles with his wife, and five children for food. This farmer hailing from Abi Adi which is 100 kilometers away from here, is alarmingly skinny. It has pulled him to utter destitute state, the war has done this to him. “Three cows were in my possession but they were all gory by the army,” he confirms. “Our house got destroyed; nothing was left So I have to beg Sometimes we are able to wash the children, sometimes Not But it is very sad living like this I can no longer return to farm I am too weak from hunger. ”

There are many homeless people in the streets cutting across the various districts of the capital city. This precious-looking over 70-year-old man, Meseletch Weldekiran is now a recipient of alms begging from restaurant eaters. “There, I told you that I go door-to-door asking for food,” she said. ‘I dry it and take it back to my village, to my family Every one’s situation here is worse since the war began A kind-hearted man here gives me a small place to sleep at night. ’

Beggars are ubiquitous. Ashema Figetat is in a city restaurant, in the middle of her working; she prepares leftovers to take home in order to feed the poor. His act of donating generously is informed by indignation of the plight that other people go through.

Soukaina Sghir

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