Positive Momentum as South Africa Registers Job Growth in Q3 – Stats SA Report

Afaf Fahchouch
Afaf Fahchouch
1 Min Read
Positive Momentum as South Africa Registers Job Growth in Q3 - Stats SA Report

In a recent release of third-quarter employment statistics, Stats SA unveils a promising surge in job creation, with South Africa witnessing the addition of 31,000 jobs between June and September. This uptick is notably reflected in the transport, trade, and mining sectors.

Contrary to the third-quarter figures, which indicated a 0.7% decline, the latest report showcases a positive trajectory in the country’s employment landscape. Stats SA highlights a noteworthy increase in part-time employment during the mentioned period, particularly in industries such as community services, trade, transport, and business services.

While part-time roles experienced a boost, full-time employment saw a slight dip of 3,000 jobs compared to the second quarter of the year. This decline primarily affected sectors like construction, shedding 3,000 positions, and manufacturing, which witnessed a decrease of 4,000 jobs.

Despite the quarterly fluctuations, the year-on-year analysis presents an overall positive outlook, with employment in South Africa showing a commendable 2.6% increase. This report comes as a positive sign amid ongoing efforts to revive and stabilize the country’s labor market.


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