Tag: south africa

South Africa: 95 Libyans Arrested After Raid on Suspected Military Camp

South African police announced the arrest of 95 Libyans following a raid

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South Africa: Climate Change Act Enacted

The President has enacted the Climate Change Act. This new law mandates

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South Africa: Clash Between President Cyril Ramaphosa and Opponent Julius Malema

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa outlined his new government’s direction during the

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Will Ali Almaeeni Lead a South African Football Club?

Ali Abdelrahman Almaeeni, a specialist in sports management for football clubs, has

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South Africa: President Ramaphosa’s Conciliatory Speech to Parliament

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa was presenting the new parliamentary session on

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South Africa: Continent’s Sole Nuclear Plant Authorized to Operate Until 2044

In a nation accustomed to frequent power outages, South Africa's state-owned company

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French ballet star dazzles in South Africa Guillaume Diop

The renowned Paris Opera Ballet star Guillaume Diop captivated audiences at the

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South Africa: Cyril Ramaphosa Unveils an Unprecedented National Unity Government

Over ten days after Cyril Ramaphosa's inauguration for a second term, the

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South Africa: Foundations Lay Ground for National Dialogue

The re-election of Cyril Ramaphosa as President sets South Africa waiting for

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South Africa: Researchers Make Rhino Horns Radioactive to Combat Poaching

The question of how to protect rhinos from poaching remains a pressing

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