“Blue Moon” Phenomenon: Rare Astronomical Event Just Hours Away

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Blue Moon

In a matter of days, our planet’s skies are set to witness the unique “Blue Moon” phenomenon, where the moon will appear brighter and larger.

The “Blue Moon” will illuminate the sky on Wednesday, August 30th, around 9:30 PM Eastern Time in the United States, and approximately 2:30 AM the following day in Greenwich Mean Time.

The “Blue Moon” phenomenon occurs when the moon reaches the full moon phase twice within a single Gregorian month, and the second full moon of the month is referred to as the “Blue Moon.”

Normally, the giant moon appears about 16 percent larger, according to CBS. This phenomenon occurs when the moon’s orbit is at its closest point to Earth, while simultaneously being in the full moon phase, completing its rotation after sunset.

The world witnessed a full moon on August 1st, and the upcoming Wednesday and Thursday will host the “Blue Moon.” However, contrary to the name, the moon’s color will remain its usual hue, not blue.

The “Blue Moon” is a rare occurrence. While about 25 percent of full moons are giant moons, only 3 percent of those are blue, according to NASA. The next “Blue Moon” is expected in May 2026.

The last giant moon of this year is set to appear on September 28th, known as the “Harvest Moon.” This celestial event underscores the captivating wonders of the cosmos, drawing attention to the intricacies of celestial mechanics.

Soukaina Sghir

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