Former Pakistani diplomat says US allies are exploring more honest partners

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In an article published on the Modern Diplomacy website entitled “A significant change in geopolitics”, a former Pakistani diplomat, Zamir Ahmed Awan, has provided an update on the political isolation that the US has been experiencing for some time.

Indeed, the author has revealed how traditional US allies have begun to seek alternative partnerships, which is a major geopolitical shift.

In this context, Zamir Ahmed Awan argued that for the past 100 years, the US has always been hypocritical and prioritised its interests by being neither sincere nor fair with its friends.

This has prompted its allies to explore other alternatives to reduce their dependence on this world power, the author of the article added.

Zamir Ahmed Awan revealed that several US allies are trying to join the BRICS group (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), although many are reluctant to announce it.

This change is due to the fact that traditional allies have realised that they should no longer trust the United States, which has not shown sincere friendship.

In this sense, he felt that Pakistan had been the worst victim of American friendship, as it had fought alongside the US in its wars and protected US interests throughout the region for 70 years.

The former Pakistani diplomat believes that the US has lost its supremacy, giving as proof the latest votes at the UN General Assembly, where Washington’s resolutions were rejected by the vast majority.

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