Tag: eastern DRC

Amid Conflict.. The Strategic Significance of Sake in Eastern DRC

Recent days have witnessed escalating clashes in the eastern region of the

Soukaina Soukaina

SADC Deploys Troops in Eastern DRC, but Questions Remain

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) has initiated the deployment of troops

Soukaina Soukaina

(SADC) Summit in Luanda Discusses Deployment of Armed Force in Eastern DRC

Heads of state from the member countries of the Southern African Development

Soukaina Soukaina

Eastern DRC: Arrests of “Military Officials” Following the Repression of a Protest in Goma

On September 4th, 2023, the Congolese government announced the arrest of "military

Soukaina Soukaina

Eastern DRC: Southern African Community Pledges to Deploy Troops

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) met on Monday, May 8th in

maryam lahbal maryam lahbal

Eastern DRC: East African Community (EAC) Regional Force Commander Tenders Resignation

General Jeff Nyagah, commander of the East African Community (EAC) regional force,

maryam lahbal maryam lahbal

Eastern DRC: After the Departure of the M23 Rebels from Kishishe, Testimonies on a Massacre

In the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the M23 rebels have

maryam lahbal maryam lahbal

Conflict Persists in Eastern DRC Despite Diplomatic Efforts

The government and the M23 rebellion are still at odds in the

Mouad Boudina Mouad Boudina

Eastern DRC: M23 aims to control Mushaki to asphyxiate Goma

Despite a call for a ceasefire by leaders of the East African

maryam lahbal maryam lahbal