Tag: EAC

EAC Structural Weaknesses Exposed Amid Rising Conflicts: Legal Experts Warn

Legal experts have sounded the alarm over structural deficiencies within the East

Afaf Fahchouch Afaf Fahchouch

EAC Faces $16 Million Loss Due to Non-Tariff Barriers, Threatening Intra-Regional Trade

The East African Community (EAC) is grappling with significant financial losses amounting

Afaf Fahchouch Afaf Fahchouch

DRC: Government Calls for EAC Force Departure by December

The Congolese government announced this week that the East African Community (EAC)

Soukaina Soukaina

DRC: EAC Soldiers Struggle to Keep M23 Rebels at Bay

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, the East African Community (EAC) force

Jihane Jihane

Eastern DRC: East African Community (EAC) Regional Force Commander Tenders Resignation

General Jeff Nyagah, commander of the East African Community (EAC) regional force,

maryam lahbal maryam lahbal

DRC: EAC Soldiers Raise Hopes and Worries Among Congolese

The Congolese are both optimistic and wary about the deployment of the

Jihane Jihane

EAC Heads call for “immediate ceasefire” in eastern DRC

A meeting of the heads of state of the seven-nation East African

Jihane Jihane

DRC: Demonstration against the presence of EAC forces

News agency correspondents reported a demonstration on 18 January in the streets

Jihane Jihane

DRC: Local sources say M23 rebels are still present in Kibumba

Local sources have informed the press that the withdrawal of the M23

Jihane Jihane