TAN-TAN: arrest of 32 illegal immigrants near Chbika

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Arrest in Tan-Tan of three individuals involved in the organisation of criminal acts and five others who took part, in addition to eight candidates for illegal immigration from countries in sub-Saharan Africa.

The elements of the judicial police of the city of Tan-Tan have dismantled, Wednesday afternoon, on the basis of precise information provided by the Directorate General of Territorial Surveillance (DGST), a criminal network active in the organization of illegal immigration operations and human trafficking.

The security interventions, in this case, resulted in the arrest of three individuals involved in the organization of these criminal acts and five others who participated in them, In addition to eight candidates for illegal immigration from countries in sub-Saharan Africa, a press release from the Directorate General of National Security (DGSN) said.

The search resulted in the seizure of two cars with false licence plates, an inflatable canoe, a life jacket, six rubber tires, 1.31 kg of chira and four different calibre knives, In addition to a suspected sum of money from this criminal activity, the statement adds.

The suspects involved in this illegal immigration operation (organizers and participants) were taken into custody for the purposes of the judicial investigation, conducted under the supervision of the competent prosecutor, In order to identify all the linkages and ramifications of this network nationally and internationally, concludes DGNS.

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