DRC: Government Seminar Concludes with Firm Resolutions

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Over two days, 30 out of 54 ministers, many with little to no experience in public administration, participated. Prime Minister Judith Suminwa inaugurated the seminar, focusing on equipping ministers with management tools and instilling a sense of ethics.

“Be pragmatic and deliver results,” urged President Félix Tshisekedi in his closing remarks, read by Prime Minister Suminwa. The president’s message was clear, and each minister signed performance contracts with the Prime Minister. They were encouraged to “positively impact the country’s history by accelerating its transformation and emergence.”

On the eve of the seminar’s conclusion, the Prime Minister urged her team to “eschew ostentatious displays of wealth and extravagant luxury.” She emphasized that, “while we must work to provide answers and solutions for the population struggling with basic existential issues, this must change.”

The Deputy Prime Minister of Interior and Security received immediate instructions to enforce regulations concerning official convoys to prevent ongoing violations of the traffic code.

Ministers were also instructed to spend only available funds and to ensure their accountants regularly and systematically submit reports to the Court of Auditors. This measure aims to enhance accountability and transparency in financial management within the government.

The seminar’s resolutions highlight a commitment to practical governance and ethical leadership, setting a course for the DRC’s ministers to follow in the coming months.


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