DRC-Uganda: Conflicting Reports on Meeting Between AFC Delegates and Congolese Government

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Is there a beginning of negotiations between the Congo River Alliance (AFC) and the Congolese government? Sources from the movement, which includes the M23, claim yes. The Congolese government, however, denies this. So, what transpired in Uganda on Monday?

According to Ugandan sources, a meeting took place at the Imperial Heights Hotel in Entebbe, Uganda. The AFC delegation included Yannick Tshisola, René Abandi Munyarugerero from the political branch, and John Imani Nzenze from the armed wing of the movement, which also encompasses the M23. Their mission was authorized by Corneille Nangaa, the coordinator of the AFC.

On the Congolese side, Jean-Bosco Bahala, coordinator of the Disarmament, Demobilization, Community Reintegration, and Stabilization program, along with other civil figures, were reportedly present. The exchange was attended by at least two Ugandan officials. Various sources reported tense exchanges that concluded without any concrete results.

Jean-Bosco Bahala confirmed his presence in Kampala but denied any meeting with AFC delegates. He stated that his mission in Uganda was strictly related to the repatriation of Congolese children freed by the Ugandan LRA rebellion. “I did not meet with M23 representatives. My mission was clearly defined within the DDR framework. Some malicious individuals tried to use my presence in Kampala to tarnish my image and that of the government, which has never engaged in direct negotiations with M23 terrorists,” he told Weafrica24.

In Kinshasa, Patrick Muyaya, the Minister of Communication and Media, was unequivocal: “No one has been mandated by the government to engage in any form of discussions with terrorists in Uganda.” The Presidency of the Republic echoed this stance.


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