Kenya: Police Use Tear Gas to Disperse Protests in Nairobi

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New anti-government protests unfolded on July 2nd, 2024, in Kenya under heavy police surveillance, with officers using tear gas to break up gatherings in central Nairobi. Initially sparked in mid-June on social media and resonating strongly with the youth, this opposition to a proposed finance bill has evolved into a nationwide movement of defiance against the President.

Despite the announcement nearly a week ago that the finance bill would be withdrawn, calls to protest have continued. Several hundred people gathered in downtown Nairobi by late morning on July 2, 2024.

However, the police quickly moved in to disperse the crowds. For nearly two hours on Tuesday, Kenyan police patrolled the capital’s center, firing tear gas. Any small gathering that formed was swiftly broken up by the police, who also employed water cannons.

Authorities left no chance for protesters to gather. Central Nairobi was sealed off by riot police. Notably, compared to the previous week, there was a significant presence of plainclothes police armed with wooden batons.

The nature of the protest movement has significantly changed. The finance bill is now a distant memory; the current struggle is between Kenya’s youth and President William Ruto. Protesters are now demanding an end to police violence and justice for the victims of last week’s repression.

In a Sunday interview, William Ruto questioned the death toll reported by civil society organizations. The Kenya National Commission on Human Rights now reports 39 deaths, while the President acknowledges only 19, whom he labeled as criminals.

This denial has further inflamed the situation. The youth are now calling for the President’s resignation, intensifying the confrontation between the government and the protesters.

These developments highlight the escalating tensions and the deepening crisis in Kenya, as the youth rally for justice and accountability from their leaders.


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