South Africa: President Cyril Ramaphosa Inaugurated for Second Term

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Cyril Ramaphosa

President Cyril Ramaphosa has been sworn in for his second term. The ceremony took place at the Union Buildings in Pretoria, the economic capital. A few thousand attendees, mostly ANC supporters, gathered on the vast lawn below the presidential complex. Addressing this audience of officials and voters, Ramaphosa promised the start of a new era.

Dressed in a pinstriped suit and standing tall beside the President of the Constitutional Court, Cyril Ramaphosa confirmed, “Yes, I know the oath.” This was indeed the second time he recited it, concluding with, “So help me God.”

To the applauding crowd below, the president vowed, “We reaffirm our determination to build a more equitable and protective society.” However, he also acknowledged the shortcomings of previous administrations and the frustrations of South Africans. “They have also expressed unequivocally their disappointment and disapproval of our performance in areas where we have failed.”

The ceremony was attended by several African heads of state, including Congolese Presidents Félix Tshisekedi and Denis Sassou Nguesso, Nigerian President Bola Tinubu, as well as the leaders of neighboring Namibia and Zimbabwe.

Despite the significance of the day, it was not a public holiday in South Africa. The President assured citizens of his commitment to improving governance through a national unity government composed of multiple political parties. “South Africans have made it clear that they are tired of political bickering. The formation of a national unity government is a crucial moment; it marks the beginning of a new era.”

At least six parties have already agreed to collaborate. It is now up to President Ramaphosa to form a government that respects political balance and ensures the country’s stability.


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