Senegal: Tabaski Celebrated Amid Calm and Inflation

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The majority of Muslims will celebrate Tabaski this Monday. Last year, the festivities occurred under a politically tense atmosphere following the conviction of opposition leader Ousmane Sonko.

This year, Senegalese citizens are happy to reunite and celebrate in a more peaceful climate, despite the ongoing inflation. This report captures the preparations of a family in a suburb of Dakar.

In the suburbs of Dakar, Alpha Diallo, the eldest sibling, returns empty-handed from his attempt to buy a sheep. “The price wasn’t right. They’re selling small sheep at very high prices. I’ll wait until 5 PM; the prices should drop by then,” he explains.

Ramata, 26, the only daughter among the seven Diallo children, has left her student room at Cheikh Anta Diop University (UCAD) to join her family for Tabaski. Her mother, Salimata, had been eagerly anticipating this moment. “I’m happy to have all my children home for Tabaski. Ramata is back from university, my son from Guinea… It’s going to be a wonderful celebration, a big celebration,” she says.


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