Clashes Erupt Between M23 and FARDC in Kanyabayonga, Eastern DRC

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The eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) continues to be plagued by conflict as the armed group M23, supported by neighboring Rwanda, maintains its offensive in North Kivu. This weekend saw renewed fighting around the town of Kanyabayonga, resulting in further displacement of the local population.

On Sunday, June 2nd, combat was reported in the morning hours near Kanyabayonga, primarily to the south of the locality, along routes leading to Rwindi in Rutshuru territory and Nyanzale and Mweso in Masisi territory.

For nearly a week, the Congolese army (FARDC) and its allies have been engaged in fierce battles with M23 rebels, who are backed by the Rwandan military, to gain control of this strategic town in the Lubero territory. Kanyabayonga is crucial as it is a gateway to Butembo and Beni’s northern cities.

According to multiple sources, Kanyabayonga began to empty on Thursday as residents fled the escalating violence. The town was already hosting a significant number of displaced persons, with approximately 50,000 households having arrived in recent weeks. These families have now been forced to seek refuge in other localities.

In response to the intensifying conflict, MONUSCO, the United Nations peacekeeping mission in the DRC, bolstered its presence in the area on Saturday. The UN mission announced joint operations with FARDC to secure the displaced populations and provide medical care. Joint patrols continue in the vicinity of the town.

The United Nations reports that nearly 1.5 million people have been displaced since the onset of this conflict between the DRC and M23 rebels. The ongoing clashes highlight the urgent need for a resolution to the violence that has devastated the region and displaced countless families.

As the situation evolves, the international community remains concerned about the humanitarian crisis unfolding in North Kivu. Efforts to protect civilians and restore stability to the region are paramount, as the people of Kanyabayonga and surrounding areas endure the hardships of displacement and conflict.


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