Gabon: Ousted President Ali Bongo Defends Himself in “Jeune Afrique” Interview

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ali bongo

As Gabon’s transitional president, Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, prepares for a five-day working visit to Paris on May 28, the publication “Jeune Afrique” released an account of a meeting between its editor-in-chief, Marwane Ben Yahmed, and the deposed President Ali Bongo on May 10. In this interview, Bongo shared candid reflections on the coup, his current situation, and the accusations against his family.

“I did not run this country alone. Some of those in power today, who vilify me, worked alongside me. Do they have nothing to reproach themselves for? Are the Bongos responsible for all of Gabon’s misfortunes? Very well, let’s see if they do better,” stated Ali Bongo, expressing his bitterness regarding his situation.

Marwane Ben Yahmed noted that Bongo showed “no sign of contrition” regarding accusations of massive embezzlement, suspicions of grooming his son for succession, or the controversial 2009 and 2016 elections. Bongo maintains that he “won” the August 2023 presidential election, shortly before soldiers pulled him from his bed to signal the end of his reign. “I am not seeking to return, contrary to what some might think,” he asserted.

According to Bongo, his primary fault was placing too much trust in his collaborators, who ultimately betrayed him. Despite refusing to resign and relinquish assets deemed illicitly acquired, he dismissed the idea of exile, declaring, “I will never leave without Sylvia and Noureddin,” referring to his imprisoned wife and son.

During the interview, Marwane Ben Yahmed also encountered Bongo’s mother, Patience Dabany, and his older sister, Pascaline Bongo. He described Ali Bongo as physically weakened but mentally resolute, moving with difficulty but without assistance. Bongo has since embarked on a hunger strike.

This portrayal provides a glimpse into the defiance and challenges faced by the former president as he navigates the aftermath of his ousting and the accusations that surround him.

Soukaina Sghir

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