Thirteen Imams Dispatched to Europe for Ramadan Go Missing Upon Return to Morocco

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In a mission aimed at spreading the “good word” among Moroccan residents in Europe, thirteen imams sent by the Moroccan Ministry of Religious Affairs for the month of Ramadan have failed to return to the kingdom.

These scholars, deployed to France, Belgium, or Germany, possessed academic credentials ranging from bachelor’s to doctoral degrees and were financially supported by the Moroccan government for their service in local mosques. They were granted all-expenses-paid trips to Europe to lead Ramadan prayers.

However, following the conclusion of the sacred month of Ramadan on April 12th, at least thirteen imams failed to show up at the airport for their scheduled return flights and have since been reported missing.

Stringent Selection Process

These missions are customary for Morocco, which has millions of expatriates residing in European countries. Each Ramadan, hundreds of scholars journey across the Mediterranean to support Moroccan Muslims who desire guidance.

Despite the rigorous selection process, reports from several Moroccan media outlets suggest that the individuals who remained behind may have been unmarried and childless. According to Assabah newspaper, the Ministry of Religious Affairs has consequently decided to toughen the departure conditions. To prevent any future mishaps, it will now be a requirement for imams to be married and fathers before being dispatched to Europe.


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