Society Sounds Alarm Over Unbearable Situation in Ituri Following Deadly Weekend

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In the wake of a devastating weekend in Ituri, the civil society of this eastern province of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has raised a resounding alarm. On Saturday, April 6 alone, multiple attacks by armed groups plunged the region into mourning.

In the territory of Djugu, during a dual incursion by the militia of the Codeco into two villages, seventeen people were killed, seven severely injured, and four abducted. Later that same day, in the evening hours, eight civilians lost their lives in an attack attributed to the ADF-Nalu group in the neighboring territory of Irumu.

“We are in a state of siege,” remarked Dieudonné Lossa, a representative of Ituri’s civil society, in an interview with Paulina Zidi. “The province of Ituri is an integral part of the DRC, and what is happening here is simply unbearable. It is inconceivable that people are dying day and night while we are supposed to be under a state of siege.”

Lossa continued, expressing frustration with the current situation: “The state of siege was declared to secure the population of Ituri, but a state of siege without adequate military presence leaves much to be desired.” He emphasized the concerning absence of military personnel in key areas, stating, “Since the fall of Bunagana, all military posts have remained vacant, allowing militias to move freely. This enables them to strike here and there with impunity.”

As attention shifted towards the North Kivu region, Lossa voiced apprehension: “We fear that Ituri will be forgotten and left at the mercy of armed groups.” He underscored the urgent need for sustained support and intervention to address the escalating violence plaguing the province.

The harrowing events of this weekend underscore the urgent need for swift and decisive action to protect the vulnerable population of Ituri. As the international community grapples with myriad challenges, it is imperative not to overlook the plight of those suffering in the shadow of conflict and insecurity.


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