Senegal: Camp Diomaye Faye Expresses Confidence While Awaiting Official Results

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It is currently unclear whether there will be a second round or a winner will be declared in the first round of the Senegalese presidential election. The official results have not yet been announced.

However, according to raw results from polling stations as reported by the Senegalese press, opposition candidate Bassirou Diomaye Faye is currently ahead of former Prime Minister Amadou Ba. This has led to uncertainty in Senegal this morning.

The first official results of the presidential election in Senegal at the departmental level are expected to be released starting today. The ruling party candidate, Amadou Ba, has promised to comment on the results by midday. However, in the meantime, since yesterday evening, Senegalese citizens have had access to raw results collected from polling stations. These results position the opposition candidate, Bassirou Diomaye Faye, in the lead. Furthermore, at least 7 out of the 17 presidential candidates have already acknowledged the victory of the former Pastef candidate.

The ruling party candidate, Amadou Ba’s team is not ready to celebrate yet. They believe it is too early to declare victory. The majority candidate’s team has estimated that a second round is likely based on 30% of the vote count. A statement from the main candidates was expected late into the night, but it has been postponed until today.

Soukaina Sghir

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