Nasarawa State Government Issues Warning Against Unethical Practices by NGOs

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The Nasarawa State government has raised concerns regarding the unethical practices observed among Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) operating within the state. In response to these issues, the government has implemented measures to regulate and supervise the activities of NGOs, aiming to curb sharp practices and ensure compliance with existing laws.

As part of these efforts, the state government has established a dedicated platform to oversee and monitor the operations of NGOs within Nasarawa. It is now mandatory for NGOs to register under this platform to facilitate effective monitoring and regulation following state laws.

Speaking to journalists ahead of International NGOs Day, Margaret Elayo, the Commissioner of Humanitarian, Social Services, and Non-Governmental Organizations, emphasized the necessity of these measures in addressing the challenges posed by certain NGOs in the state. Elayo highlighted the creation of a comprehensive platform by the Ministry to gather data and maintain records of all NGOs operating within Nasarawa.

Elayo stressed that NGOs not registered under this platform would not be recognized as legitimate entities within the state. The Commissioner underscored the Ministry’s commitment to preventing duplication of efforts among NGOs and ensuring that resources are utilized efficiently to address the needs of the community.

Furthermore, Elayo emphasized that the Ministry is collaborating with international organizations willing to provide funding to credible NGOs operating in Nasarawa. She warned against the misuse of funds by NGOs solely focused on personal enjoyment, emphasizing the government’s stance against such practices.

In conclusion, the Nasarawa State government’s proactive measures aim to promote transparency, accountability, and efficiency within the NGO sector. By enforcing registration and regulation protocols, the government seeks to foster responsible and impactful humanitarian initiatives that genuinely benefit the community.

Soukaina Sghir

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