Anambra Lawyer Arrested for Child Abuse After Fleeing

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In a shocking turn of events, Adachukwu Chikelue-Okafor, a female lawyer based in Onitsha, Anambra State, has been apprehended and detained for allegedly subjecting her 10-year-old house girl to horrific abuse.

Reports suggest that Chikelue-Okafor is accused of inflicting severe injuries on the young girl, including inserting a hot knife into her private parts and burning parts of her buttocks with a hot iron. The incidents occurred in Akpaka, Onitsha, where they both resided.

The young victim suffered varying degrees of injury due to the lawyer’s alleged brutality. Mrs. Ify Obinabo, the state Commissioner for Women’s Affairs and Social Welfare, confirmed Chikelue-Okafor’s detention during an interview with reporters in Awka.

Obinabo revealed that the lawyer surrendered herself to the police a few days after the state government placed a bounty of N2 million on her. She added that the suspect would face charges before the Children, Sexual, and Gender-Based Violence Magistrate court in Awka this week.

Having recently visited the victim in the hospital, the Commissioner confirmed that she had been successfully treated and discharged, expressing gratitude for her swift recovery.

Before her arrest, the lawyer had allegedly boasted about her perceived immunity due to her profession. However, she later disappeared to evade arrest, prompting the government to offer a N2 million bounty for her capture.

The arrest of Chikelue-Okafor underscores the severity of child abuse and the importance of holding perpetrators accountable, regardless of their social status or profession.

Soukaina Sghir

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