Sudan War.. al-Burhan Camp Sets Conditions for Ceasefire

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The Sudanese military is laying down its terms for peace as the country grapples with a 10-month-long conflict between the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (FSR) and the army. On Thursday, February 15th, Lieutenant General Shams Eddine Kabashi, the army’s second-in-command, delivered an uncompromising speech to his troops in Kosti, in the southern region of the country.

Addressing the 18th Infantry Division of the army, Shams Eddine Kabashi underscored the steadfastness of Sudanese forces. “There will be no political process without a ceasefire signed on our terms,” declared the lieutenant general.

The first requirement is for the FSR to evacuate residential areas and both public and private buildings to relocate to cantonment centers.

Furthermore, a military agreement must be reached that integrates the paramilitaries into the army—an issue of significant contention, given that negotiations between the two parties were deadlocked on this point just before the outbreak of the war. General Hemedti, the leader of the FSR, derives much of his power from the existence of the paramilitaries.

Lastly, the army emphasizes that if a military solution is found, a political process can begin. Shams Eddine Kabashi advocated for the participation of all parties; however, many factions, for example, refuse to involve the former ruling party, the National Congress Party (NCP).

“If the demands of the Sudanese forces are not met, the war will continue,” warned the army’s second-in-command.

This uncompromising rhetoric does not inspire optimism, but it comes at a time when the army is attempting to regain the initiative. It has achieved several successes on the ground since launching an offensive in mid-January. Additionally, its leader, General al-Burhan, has undertaken international trips to solidify support from the international community.


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