Sudan: Clashes in El Fasher, a Rebel Stronghold in Darfur

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Clashes erupted in El Fasher, the capital of North Darfur, between the army and paramilitary forces led by General Hemedti. Although the city endured shelling, it remains under the control of the military. The intensity of these clashes raises concerns about a potential escalation of the conflict.

According to multiple sources, El Fasher experienced mortar fire that claimed at least five lives and left around twenty others injured. In a statement, the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) asserted that they repelled an attack by the Sudanese army, emphasizing their restraint to avoid endangering civilian lives.

Until now, the capital of North Darfur had been spared from direct combat. In recent months, the RSF launched a swift offensive in the region, gradually gaining control over four out of the five provinces in Darfur.

El Fasher, however, stands as a unique case, noted a researcher, due to its significance as the stronghold of major Darfur rebel groups. These groups had warned paramilitary forces last year not to cross the red line represented by El Fasher.

Clashes in this city could potentially push various rebel movements into active warfare, especially the largest one, the Sudan Liberation Army led by Minni Minawi. Moreover, such confrontations may force the displacement of over 100,000 individuals, already uprooted and settled in this province. The situation in El Fasher remains precarious, with implications that extend beyond regional borders.


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