Prosecutor of the ICC Delivers Report on Darfur Situation to the UN Security Council

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Amid renewed violence in Darfur, the International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor, Karim Khan, addressed the United Nations Security Council on Monday, January 29th. Speaking via video from Adré, Chad, where he had recently met with Darfur refugees, Khan presented an update on the situation.

The ICC had taken up the crimes in Darfur in March 2005, with only one accused currently undergoing trial. Other suspects, including former ministers and the ex-president Omar el-Béchir, remain in Sudan. The prosecutor urged cooperation from the states involved.

Khan condemned crimes committed by both parties, citing offenses by the regular forces under General al-Burhan and the Rapid Support Forces, led by General Hemedti. While cooperation had been suspended in April at the onset of the conflict, it has since resumed. However, Khan criticized the lack of response to his requests for assistance.

“I met with General al-Burhan in September, and he pledged cooperation with the ICC. Despite this promise, and despite the committee of inquiry that the Sudanese armed forces claimed to have established to document and investigate allegations of crimes, we have received no information whatsoever,” Khan stated.

The Sudanese delegate rejected the prosecutor’s reproaches, highlighting that their investigators had been granted visas and were expected in Port Sudan. Due to security concerns, they have not yet responded to the invitation. The diplomat also suggested that the United Arab Emirates should be investigated for collaboration with the Rapid Support Forces.

As tensions persist in Darfur, the international community awaits further developments and actions to address the ongoing human rights violations and bring justice to the victims.

Soukaina Sghir

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