Captain Dismissed for Abandoning Positions and Equipment During an Attack

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The dismissal of Captain Nayiré Alira Elisée Martial, the commander of the military detachment of Sollé in the province of Lorum in Burkina Faso, has brought attention to the serious issue of misconduct within the country’s defense and security forces. Captain Martial faced accusations of abandoning his position and equipment during a jihadist attack that targeted the Sollé military detachment on December 24th of last year.

Reports indicate that the attackers successfully seized control of the detachment, resulting in significant losses for the Burkinabe defense and security forces. Additionally, the assailants left the scene with military equipment before being later neutralized by the air forces. This incident occurred amidst a series of jihadist attacks, with at least four military detachments being targeted at the end of December.

Lieutenant-Colonel Yves Didier Bamouni, who is responsible for coordinating operations in the fight against terrorism, issued a warning following these attacks. He emphasized that “disciplinary or criminal” proceedings would be initiated against members of the defense and security forces who abandon their positions and equipment when faced with terrorist threats. Lt. Col. Bamouni underscored the detrimental impact of such actions, stating that they contribute to the strengthening of the logistical capacities of violent extremist groups.

The dismissal of Captain Martial and the subsequent warnings from military leadership highlight the gravity of the situation and the importance of upholding discipline and resilience in the face of security threats. This development underscores the ongoing challenges faced by Burkina Faso and the region in combatting extremist violence and maintaining the integrity of defense and security operations.

Soukaina Sghir

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