Tightening Grip in DRC Legislative Elections.. 82 Candidates Face Disqualification

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In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the net is closing in on 82 candidates in the legislative elections whose votes were annulled by the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI). The annulment was attributed to various offenses, including fraud, corruption, violence, and the unauthorized possession of voting machines. Legal actions are now in motion, with the Prosecutor General near the Court of Cassation prohibiting these candidates from leaving the country.

Under the direction of Firmin Mvonde, the Prosecutor General near the Court of Cassation, the General Directorate of Migrations has instructed all its branches nationwide not to permit the travel of the 82 candidates. A telegram from the migration office states, “In case of their discovery within your borders, apprehend them and seek guidance from the hierarchy.”

Among the affected individuals are three sitting ministers, four provincial governors, university professors, public officials, and numerous members of the outgoing legislature, including both deputies and senators. At the top of the list is Gentiny Ngobila, the governor of Kinshasa, whose immunity was lifted on January 9 by the Kinshasa Provincial Assembly, acting upon the prosecutor general’s request.

The prosecutor general’s office has indicated that it will approach the assemblies of three other provinces, the Prime Minister, the National Assembly, and the Senate regarding cases involving three government members and parliamentarians.

Furthermore, the prosecutor has approached the Electoral Commission to obtain all necessary documents that would aid in charging the 82 candidates. Many of these candidates have decried what they perceive as a witch hunt, alleging internal power struggles within the ruling coalition.

Approximately ten candidates have lodged appeals with the Council of State, seeking the annulment of the CENI’s decision. As legal proceedings unfold, the situation adds complexity to the political landscape in the DRC, underscoring the delicate balance between electoral accountability and claims of political vendettas within the ruling alliance.

Soukaina Sghir

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