Tabital Pulaaku Association Raises Alarm Over Attacks on Fulani Villages Near Ségou

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Since December 23rd, several villages in the Ké-Macina circle near Ségou, Mali, have been subjected to recurrent attacks by Dozo hunters. According to gathered testimonies, the Fulani population has become a primary target. In response to these alarming incidents, the Friends of Fulani Culture Association, Tabital Pulaaku, is urging the Malian transitional authorities to intervene and halt these abuses and atrocities committed by citizens against fellow citizens.

Within three weeks in the Ké-Macina region, at least three attacks have been recorded. The initial incident occurred on December 23rd, with reports indicating at least seven civilian casualties among the villagers of Wouro Yero.

On January 2nd, 24 men from the village of Boura were reportedly detained by Dozo hunters. Several days later, 17 bodies of these detained individuals were discovered in the area.

Over the weekend, Dozo hunters again targeted the village of Kalala-peul, employing a modus operandi described by a surviving resident:

“Last Saturday morning, Dozo hunters attacked the village while we were in prayer. They opened fire, killing 13 people: ten men and three women. I have many relatives among the victims, including my uncle who was the village chief, a nephew, a cousin, an aunt, a sister’s son, and my seven-year-old grandson. I was in the mosque, but I managed to escape; most of the men were killed in front of the mosque.”

Tabital Pulaaku Mali, an association that has sounded the alarm on these repeated attacks, particularly against the Fulani community, is urgently calling on the authorities in Bamako to put an end to these brutalities targeting civilian populations. As concerns grow over the escalating violence, swift and decisive action is needed to address the root causes and protect the vulnerable communities caught in the crossfire.

Soukaina Sghir

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