French Health Minister Orléan Russo Resigns in Protest Against Immigration Law

Afaf Fahchouch
Afaf Fahchouch
2 Min Read
Orléan Russo

The French Health Minister Orléan Russo resigned from his position on Wednesday in protest against the recently adopted immigration law by the parliament. His resignation prompted the government to appoint the current Minister Delegate responsible for healthcare professions, Aniès Vermeulen Le Bodo, as an interim replacement.

The announcement of Russo’s resignation came from government spokesperson Olivier Véran, who emphasized that the minister’s departure was a result of his opposition to the immigration law endorsed by the parliament on Tuesday. However, Véran clarified during a brief press briefing after a government meeting that there was “no ministerial rebellion movement.”

Russo’s decision to step down reflects a principled stance against the immigration legislation, adding a new layer of complexity to the political landscape in France. As the parliamentary approval of the immigration law stirred debates and controversies, Russo’s resignation marks a significant dissent within the government ranks.

The temporary appointment of Aniès Vermeulen Le Bodo as the acting Health Minister underscores the government’s quick response to maintain continuity in the crucial portfolio during this period of political turbulence. The situation raises questions about the potential ramifications of Russo’s resignation on the ongoing political discourse and the broader implications for the administration’s policy agenda.


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