Free State Premier Takes a Stand Against Femicide and Gender-Based Violence

Afaf Fahchouch
Afaf Fahchouch
2 Min Read

In response to the recent surge in kidnappings and gender-based violence (GBV) in the province, Free State Premier Mxolisi Dukwana led a compelling march against femicide in the Mangaung District. The urgent need to address these issues and protect the community was emphasized during the march, which drew the participation of hundreds of concerned individuals.

The call to action comes on the heels of two tragic deaths of women in the Free State this month, with two others still missing. Premier Dukwana expressed his commitment to combating the prevailing climate of fear and violence, stating that the entire society must actively contribute to isolating and exposing those involved in such incidents.

The recent victims include sixteen-year-old Machaka Radebe, who was kidnapped from her home and tragically killed, and 28-year-old Relebogile Phelma, whose lifeless body was discovered after her disappearance.

Recognizing the severity of the situation, the provincial government has taken a proactive step by establishing a task team dedicated to investigating the escalating number of kidnappings. Premier Dukwana urged women in the province to exercise caution, advising against hitch-hiking due to the potential dangers it poses.

The march symbolizes a united front against femicide and GBV, with community members, activists, and government officials joining forces to address the root causes of these heinous crimes. As the Free State takes a stand against gender-based violence, the hope is to create a safer environment for all residents and send a powerful message that such actions will not be tolerated.


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