Cameroon Unveils Action Plan Against Food Insecurity Affecting 10% of its Population

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According to a recent report by the World Food Programme (WFP), around 10% of Cameroon’s population, which is approximately three million people, is currently suffering from food insecurity. The government confirmed these figures on Monday, December 11, and announced its action plan to tackle the issue.

The disclosed numbers are undeniably alarming, acknowledged Agriculture and Rural Development Minister Gabriel Mbairobé. He attributes this situation, among other factors, to the decline in local production influenced by various external elements.

“We were well aware that in 2020, there was the COVID-19 crisis, which continued with the post-COVID-19 period that was challenging to manage,” explained the minister. “Following the pandemic, there was an increase in energy prices in Europe, leading to a rise in fertilizer prices. Several exogenous shocks hindered the country from reacting rapidly enough to stabilize or achieve sustainable development goals, namely reducing famine.”

Cameroon, often regarded as the agricultural powerhouse of Central Africa, is considering short and medium-term measures to reverse the trend. Minister Gabriel Mbairobé outlined the immediate actions: “Firstly, we need to rebuild the means of production for farmers. Secondly, the government is implementing a climate change adaptation system. The significant causes of these food crises are either droughts or floods.”

Looking towards the longer term, the government plans to launch large and medium-scale agricultural productions, including an intensive mechanization of the production process. This strategic vision aims to mitigate the challenges posed by the current food insecurity crisis in Cameroon.

Soukaina Sghir

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