Niger: General Tiani Affirms Continued Security Efforts

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In a comprehensive interview broadcast on the evening of December 10, the leader of the Nigerien junta, General Abdourahamane Tiani, addressed the nation in three languages – Zarma, Hausa, and French – via the public television network. General Tiani, in his discourse, attributed the challenges faced by the country since its independence to France and pledged an ongoing commitment to security efforts, assuring that tangible results would follow.

Accusing France of the country’s woes, General Abdourahamane Tiani conveyed that efforts in the realm of security would persist and yield positive outcomes. He disclosed ongoing negotiations for new partnerships while indicating that existing agreements would continue to undergo review or denunciation. In his words, “MI hopeto see that the new path we have charted leads us to meet the expectations of the Nigerien people,” as declared on the Nigerien radio-television.

“We have been sufficiently stifled,” he remarked. General Tiani expressed confidence in the emerging partnerships, emphasizing an understanding of Niger’s state of affairs by these new collaborators. He dared to hope that these partners would support the restoration of equilibrium, irrespective of the potential continuation of embargoes or sanctions, despite the looming threat of renewed aggression.

Reflecting on the past constraints, General Tiani stated, “We have been silenced enough, and it is easy to observe the extent of exploitation we have endured through progressively denounced agreements. In the days and months to come, we will take actions that further affirm the sovereignty of our country and its regained prosperity.” This declaration marked the conclusion of the address by the leader of the Nigerien junta.

Soukaina Sghir

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