Kenyan Delegation Visits Haiti Amidst Legal Controversy Over Multinational Mission

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Kenyan Delegation

A Kenyan delegation arrived in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, for a 24-hour visit, as announced by the Haitian Prime Minister’s office. In October, the UN Security Council approved the deployment of a multinational mission led by Kenya to assist Haiti in combating criminal gangs. However, the deployment of this mission has been suspended since late October by the Kenyan judiciary, visiting this delegation a contentious matter in Nairobi.

The Haitian Prime Minister’s statement is explicit, stating that the Kenyan delegation’s visit is “as part of the preparation for the imminent arrival of the Multinational Security Support Mission.” Without providing further details, the statement mentions that the Kenyan envoys came in significant numbers and were accompanied by two representatives from the US administration.

They were received by the Haitian Prime Minister and members of the government before also meeting with the Transitional High Council and the High Command of the Haitian police.

Kenyan authorities plan to send 1,000 police officers to the Caribbean country. However, the deployment is currently suspended by the Kenyan judiciary, prompting criticism from Ekuru Aukot, the president of the Kenyan Alliance Third Way party, who filed the complaint. Aukot expresses concern, stating, “They are preparing the deployment, even though it is suspended by the court. This is part of their plan to sabotage judicial authority. They are putting us in a difficult position,” he concludes.

The deployment of the mission to Haiti was approved by the Kenyan Parliament on November 16, despite an ongoing hearing at the Nairobi High Court, which is scheduled to deliver its judgment on January 26th.

Soukaina Sghir

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