Niger’s Military Leader Visits Mali in a Diplomatic Move

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Niger’s military ruler, General Abdourahamane Tiani, embarked on his first international visit since seizing power in July, landing in Mali on Thursday to meet his counterpart, Colonel Assimi Goita. The visit signifies a diplomatic outreach amid regional shifts in governance, with Mali and Burkina Faso, both under military rule since 2020 and 2022, respectively, expressing solidarity with Niger’s coup leaders.

In a significant development, the three Sahel countries signed a pact in September, outlining provisions for mutual defense in the face of any threat to the “sovereignty and territorial integrity” of the nations. Additionally, economic collaboration is on the agenda, reflecting a shared commitment to strengthening ties.

The regimes in Niger, Mali, and Burkina Faso are also united in their collective fight against jihadist threats in the region. General Tiani’s brief visit to Mali includes meetings with Colonel Goita, emphasizing the spirit of friendship and cooperation, according to statements from the Malian presidency.

Upon assuming power, General Tiani pledged to transition Niger back to civilian rule within three years, aligning with the region’s broader movement toward democratic governance. Meanwhile, Mali has indefinitely postponed its scheduled presidential election set for early 2024.

Mali’s plans include hosting ministerial meetings with representatives from the three countries in the coming weeks, aimed at ironing out operational details and consolidating the foundations of the new Sahel alliance, as outlined in a statement released by Mali on Thursday.

Soukaina Sghir

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