Hamas’ Demand for Israeli Troop Standstill Hinders Ceasefire Implementation

Afaf Fahchouch
Afaf Fahchouch
1 Min Read

An Israeli news report highlighted the primary reason behind the postponement of the ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas, pointing to the movement’s desire to halt any Israeli military actions within the Gaza Strip during the ceasefire period.

Originally scheduled to take effect on Thursday morning, Israeli officials now indicate that the implementation will not occur before Friday.

The ceasefire, designed to last for four days, includes provisions for Hamas to release 50 detainees in exchange for Israel freeing 150 Palestinian prisoners.

Additionally, it involves the delivery of aid shipments and fuel to the besieged Gaza Strip. However, the Israeli newspaper “Israel Hayom” reported on Thursday that the main obstacle to the ceasefire’s execution is that “Hamas, in the final moments, demanded the cessation of any Israeli military movements in Gaza during the pause in hostilities.”

The newspaper described these movements as “operations aimed at ensuring the safety of our soldiers” and clarified that discussions on this matter have recently taken place within the Israeli government.

Journalist Ben Caspit, well-known in Israel for his work with Israeli radio, “Maariv” newspaper, and Channel 12, also cited the same reason for the delay.


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