US Urges Immediate Halt to North Darfur Attacks, Sudan

Mouad Boudina
Mouad Boudina
2 Min Read
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U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken conveyed on Thursday, the United States’ deep concern regarding the alarming reports of an impending attack on El Fasher, North Darfur. He urgently called upon the belligerent parties in Sudan to cease any further hostilities without delay.

Blinken, in a statement issued by the State Department, urged the conflicting parties to promptly halt further offensives in and around El Fasher, emphasizing the imperative of honoring their responsibilities under international humanitarian law with regard to the safety of civilians.

In addition to the immediate call for a ceasefire, the United States reaffirmed its commitment to working alongside international partners to seek a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Sudan. The need for dialogue and diplomacy remains paramount in order to achieve a sustainable and lasting peace in the region.

The international community is urged to come together to support efforts aimed at resolving the root causes of the conflict and addressing the humanitarian challenges faced by the people of Sudan. As the situation in El Fasher, North Darfur unfolds, the United States remains vigilant and engaged, prioritizing the protection of civilians and the pursuit of a peaceful resolution for the benefit of all parties involved.

Mouad Boudina

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