Guinea: Cabinet Ministers Stripped of Diplomatic Passports

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The Prime Minister announced on October 23 that diplomatic and service travel documents would be withdrawn from government ministers. Officially, this measure is part of the state’s restructuring efforts to improve the quality of public services. However, according to the Guinean press, the transitional president, Mamadi Doumbouya, has become frustrated with certain ministerial practices and seeks to regulate the frequent and costly travels of the government team.

Guinea’s ministers have had their passports revoked. On October 23, the Prime Minister announced that diplomatic and service travel documents would be taken away from government ministers. According to the Prime Minister’s office, this move is part of Guinea’s state restructuring aimed at enhancing the quality of its public services.

The Prime Minister expressed a desire to “improve administrative procedures related to professional travel.” He instructed the Secretary-General of his government “to retrieve the passports” and work on the reorganization of the procedures for obtaining future mission orders. He also intends to review “visa acquisition and airport reception procedures” when ministers travel on official business.

This decision from the Prime Minister confirms reports from the Media Guinée news website over the weekend, which stated that the withdrawal of these passports had been ordered directly by Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya himself.

Throughout the month, the transitional president has expressed his frustration with the frequent attendance of ministers at ceremonies, seminars, and other events in Guinea and abroad. This is happening while concerns about a possible delay in the transitional timeline are growing, and the state is still searching for funding to organize local, parliamentary, and presidential elections before the end of 2024.

Soukaina Sghir

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