Rwandan Employee in Standards Board Embroiled in Bribery Scandal

Afaf Fahchouch
Afaf Fahchouch
1 Min Read

The Rwanda Investigation Bureau (RIB) has revealed the apprehension of an employee named Valens Uwitonze, who worked in the field of quality control for the Rwanda Standards Board, on charges of bribery. Uwitonze is alleged to have solicited a bribe of 25 million Rwandan Francs to manipulate the results of a standards inspection.

Uwitonze’s arrest took place in the Kimihurura Sector, where his case is currently under investigation, with pending charges expected to be filed by the prosecution. RIB has commended the continued vigilance of the public in reporting bribery incidents and urged individuals to refrain from engaging in such unlawful practices.

The case reflects the country’s determination to combat corruption and uphold the integrity of its regulatory and quality control institutions. Such incidents are met with swift action by the authorities to preserve ethical standards and foster a culture of transparency and accountability in Rwanda.


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