Nigeria’s App-Based Transporters Face Deadly Attacks, Union Calls for Action

Afaf Fahchouch
Afaf Fahchouch
2 Min Read
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The Amalgamated Union of app-based transporters in Nigeria is grappling with the relentless killing of its members across the country. The tragic situation escalated when, on a single day, three members of the union lost their lives in Port Harcourt, with another member meeting a similar fate in Galadimawa, Abuja.

The incident in Port Harcourt involved three members who were working on the Bolt app. The attacks appeared to be coordinated, transpiring between 7:30 PM and 10:00 PM. One of the drivers, Emmanual Daniel, tragically lost his life as he was en route to pick up a passenger. The assailants, after a call from the passenger, ambushed Daniel and seized his vehicle.

Regrettably, Roland Asuru and John Okon also suffered fatal gunshot wounds while their vehicles were forcibly taken by suspected robbers. Other attempted carjackings were reported at various locations, including GRA, CFC Roundabout, and Ekeme.

Meanwhile, in Abuja’s Galadimawa area, another member faced a brutal killing and vehicle seizure. The Amalgamated Union has decried the lack of security measures and intelligence, which have left its members vulnerable to such deadly attacks.

In response to this tragedy, the union is urgently calling upon the Federal Government to direct relevant ministries to compel app-based companies to require passengers to provide their National Identification Numbers (NIN) before booking a ride. They also appeal to the authorities to launch investigations into these heinous crimes and bring the perpetrators to justice while providing adequate compensation to the bereaved families.

In the wake of these events, the union encourages its members to remain vigilant during this festive season, recognizing the need for enhanced security awareness.


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