Nigeria’s New Health Minister Unveils Ambitious Agenda

Afaf Fahchouch
Afaf Fahchouch
2 Min Read

Nigeria’s newly appointed Coordinating Minister of Health and Social Welfare, Prof Ali Pate, has unveiled an ambitious agenda for the country’s health sector.

The professor outlined his priorities, emphasizing the need to strengthen health sector governance, improve institutions, and ensure efficient, resilient, and affordable quality health systems.

Prof Pate’s agenda is centered on four key pillars. Firstly, he aims to enhance health sector governance and institutions through smart and effective regulations, digitization, and improved citizen engagement. He also underscores the importance of an efficient, resilient, equitable, affordable, and high-quality health system that can deliver preventive, promotive, and curative services.

Additionally, the minister emphasizes medical industrialization and unlocking the healthcare value chains to create jobs and promote economic development. Lastly, he highlights the importance of embedding health security as a critical component of economic and national security.

Prof Pate expressed his commitment to realizing a vision of a healthier, more prosperous Nigeria and pledged to work transparently and with impeccable accountability.

Despite the significant challenges ahead, he remains confident that, with commitment from all levels of government, sectors, and partners, Nigeria can achieve its goals. It’s worth noting that Prof Pate stepped down from his role as CEO of Gavi to take up this vital position, highlighting the importance of his mission to transform Nigeria’s healthcare system.


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