Tensions in Chad Over International Arrest Warrant for Opposition Leader Succès Masra

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An international arrest warrant issued against the president of the Transformers party and one of the fiercest opposition figures has sparked debates in N’Djamena and on Chadian social media. The leaked document came less than two weeks before his announced return to the country, and reactions are mixed.

For Chadian civil society and the political opposition, this “out-of-the-blue” arrest warrant, just days before Succès Masra’s return, sends a “bad signal” ahead of the constitutional referendum in two months. According to the UDP party president, it reveals the true face of the transitional government and its leader, General Mahamat Idriss Deby.

“It clearly shows that Mahamat Idriss Déby Itno has never had genuine intentions towards the opposition and Succès Masra,” says Max Kemkoye. “Beyond trying to prevent his return to the country, they are attempting to arrest him wherever he may be.”

The spokesperson for the MPS, the party founded by the late President Idriss Deby Itno, responded with “false.” Jean-Bernard Padaré pointed out that not only was Succès Masra the “leader” of the October 20th, 2022 uprising, but he had also called for action against pro-transitional government southern politicians. Justice must be served, stressed the MPS spokesperson.

However, several senior Chadian officials admit their “concern” and fear what might happen if Succès Masra decides to land in N’Djamena on October 18, despite the international arrest warrant.


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