Morocco Expresses Concern Over Gaza Situation

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Morocco has expressed deep concern over the deteriorating situation and military hostilities in the Gaza Strip. The Moroccan Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemns the targeting of civilians by any party.

In an official statement, the Moroccan government, which has consistently warned about the political deadlock’s ramifications on regional peace and the rising tensions it poses, calls for an immediate cessation of all acts of violence. Morocco urges a return to calm and the avoidance of any escalation that could undermine prospects for peace in the region.

Morocco, under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, who heads the Jerusalem Committee, reaffirms that the path of dialogue and negotiations remains the only way to achieve a comprehensive and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue. This solution should be based on international legitimacy and the internationally accepted principle of a two-state solution.

Soukaina Sghir

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