Madagascar: Prime Minister Christian Ntsay Rejects Religious Mediation

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A new development in Madagascar where the opposition candidates who are part of the “collective of 11” are in a crisis with the interim government. On October 5th, Prime Minister and Acting Head of State Christian Ntsay rejected any mediation efforts by religious institutions.

The state “will not tolerate any actions aimed at fomenting crises,” warned Christian Ntsay during a provincial visit for the groundbreaking ceremony of a dam. Without ever mentioning the FFKM, the Council of Christian Churches in Madagascar, the acting head of state rejected “parallel mediation” by them.

Since the start of the crisis and with the first round of the presidential election just a month away, religious leaders, concerned about the tense political situation in the country, are eager to position themselves as mediators between the two sides.

Despite their efforts, they have been unable to bring the 11 candidates and the incumbent president, Andry Rajoelina, to the same table, and they have asked both parties if they are willing to make concessions.

This is a stance that Christian Ntsay does not seem ready to adopt. On Thursday, the Prime Minister added that, concerning the organization of elections, the only recognized entity is the CENI, the Independent National Electoral Commission, an institution consistently rejected by the opposition.

On Friday, October 6th, on the eve of a peaceful march planned by the “collective of 11,” the police prefect of Antananarivo announced a curfew, which was promptly lifted.

When announcing this change of situation, the prefect stated that the candidates would finally be able to gather on Saturday at the Coliseum in Antsonjombe. However, several candidates expressed skepticism about this proposal, questioning the timing as it was made at 10 p.m.

Soukaina Sghir

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